Faster Website = More Revenue

A slow WordPress website will HURT your business. If your website takes a loading speed of 4seconds or more then 30% of your customers will leave the website immediately. This means lower conversion rates and a LOSS IN REVENUE.

Why is speed so important:


WordPress Speed Performance Optimization

Your WordPress website will be load as quickly as possible!

Optimize Images

Optimize images to reduce page size and save Bandwidth.

Combine CSS & JS files

Reduce number of HTTP requests by combine CSS & JS files.

Minify Resources (HTML, CSS, JS)

Minifying code eliminates unnecessary bytes like spaces, breaks and indentation.

Hosting Environment Setup

We create a perfect hosting environment for your website.

Setup CloudFlare CDN

By using CloudFlare WordPress site will load fast anywhere across the world.

Cleanup unused code

By Cleanup unused code saves bytes and minimizes bandwidth use.

Our primary focus on to impress your site’s visitors and leave them with the perception that they’ve just visited the fastest load website they’ve ever seen.
Fast loaded website is good for great User experience, conversation and SEO. Website loading speed also considers as one of a ranking factor in the Google Search Engine algorithm. With a number of reasons and benefits for a Fast loading WordPress website, we can’t ignore the performance of the website. For WP site owner making site load faster is one of the top priority actions. Hire an experienced WP developer and improve your WP site overall site loading performance score.
Test your WordPress website’s performance with these helpful online tools

Review your WordPress website performance

Want to know more or need help in reviewing website performance?

For WordPress website Speed Performance Optimization and Google Page Speed Insight Good Performance Score we perform the following task

We will do our Speed Performance Optimization work on your website without your assistance and it will not affect your site live visitors.
With optimizing your WordPress website performance, Not only improve your visitor experience but also your sales, it also improves your website ranking with Google and another search engine. After our speed improvement works your website will have the highest Google PageSpeed Score possible with your used theme, plugins, and implemented functionality.

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