Add an Icon to the Add to Cart Buttons Woocommerce

So, how do you add an icon (or an HTML symbol) to the add to cart buttons in WooCommerce? This can be done in two ways – via CSS if you want to show Fontawesome Icons or via PHP if you prefer to use a simple HTML unicode symbol. You can find the list of HTML symbols here: I want to show a simple symbol.

Noted : don’t forget to add the “&” and final “;” to actually generate the symbol. Here is my code, Copy it and Add this code in your theme’s functions.php file of your active child theme (or theme).

add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_single_add_to_cart_text', 'add_symbol_add_cart_button_single' );
function add_symbol_add_cart_button_single( $button ) {
$button_new = '⇒ ' . $button;
return $button_new;
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