Here i show you How to remove product panel tabs from admin panel in woocommerce, So First, You will Go to admin panel of your site and click on products menu link. From here click on any product to edit it or create a new product by clicking on Add New button.
You will show Product panel tab: General, Inventory,shpping etc. So here i show you How to remove product panel tabs
So here is my code. Just copy this code and paste this code at the end of your theme’s functions.php file of your active child theme (or theme) and Save the file.
function remove_product_data($tabs){ unset($tabs['general']); unset($tabs['inventory']); unset($tabs['shipping']); unset($tabs['linked_product']); unset($tabs['attribute']); unset($tabs['advanced']); return($tabs); } add_filter('woocommerce_product_data_tabs', 'remove_product_data', 10, 1);
Here i show you how to remove product panel tabs from admin panel in woocommerce but still if you dont want to remove any particular tab from admin panel. For example you don’t want to remove “inventory” tab than just comment this line of code. So it will not removed. Here is code.
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